錯誤 602 The port is already open
錯誤 602 The port is already open
錯誤 605 Cannot set port information
錯誤 606 The port is not connected
錯誤 608 The device does not exist
錯誤 609 The device type does not exist
錯誤 611 The route is not available/612 The route is not allocated
錯誤 617 The port or device is already disconnecting
錯誤 619 問題:與ISP服務器不能建立連接
錯誤 621 Cannot open the phone book file
錯誤 622 Cannot load the phone book file
錯誤 623 Cannot find the phone book entry
錯誤 624 Cannot write the phone book file
錯誤 625 Invalid information found in the phone book
錯誤 629,已經與對方計算機斷開連接。 請雙擊此連接,再試一次。
錯誤 676,占線。 請稍后再試。
錯誤 678,撥入方計算機沒有應答。
錯誤 680 沒有撥號音。