

當(dāng)前主題: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)絡(luò)

2011年1月20日Google PR更新了,我站從3升到了4

作者:Kaka    時間:2011-1-21 1:46:58    瀏覽:    評論:53

      久違的Google PR,在我們大家都不注意的時候,于2011年1月20日更新了!

      Google PR上次大更新時間是2010年4月3日,之后的9個月時間里便沉寂了,期間引起了我們站長的許多揣測,大家都以為Google PR已經(jīng)成了一個歷史的產(chǎn)物,不再更新了,取而代之的將是Google即將推出的更先進(jìn)、更強(qiáng)大、也更合理的網(wǎng)站評估工具,可惜我們并沒有看到Google在這方面有任何的動作,許多站長也因此而感到困惑,尤其在尋找友情鏈接的時候,到底參考哪些數(shù)據(jù)更為合適。

      這次Google PR的更新,到底給我們帶來什么樣的信號呢?是一如既往的延續(xù)下去,還是只為探望一下大家的反響?我們不得而知。

      不過Google PR能在這個時候更新,確實給我們帶來了一個不大不小的驚喜,算不算是Google提前給我們送來的新春大禮呢?




      Google PR更新歷史時間表

PR/BL Estimations: Average days between the last 5 exports.
Year Date Info Days
2011 January 20 TBPR & BL Export 292
2010 April 3 TBPR & BL Export 74
2010 January 19 TBPR & BL Export 19
2009 December 31 TBPR & BL Export 61
2009 October 30 TBPR & BL Export 129
2009 June 23 TBPR & BL Export 26
2009 May 28 TBPR & BL Export 58
2009 April 1 TBPR & BL Export 90
2008 Dec 31 TBPR & BL Export 95/95
2008 Sep 27 TBPR & BL Export 62/62
2008 Jul 26 TBPR & BL Export 87/87
2008 Apr 30 TBPR & BL Export 62/62
2008 Feb 27 TBPR & BL Export 45/45
2008 Jan 12 TBPR & BL Export 78/78
2007 Oct 26 TBPR & BL Export 100/100
2007 Jul 20 TBPR & BL Export 80/80
2007 Apr 30 TBPR & BL Export 98/98
2007 Jan 25 Algo update - Reduce Googlebomb Impact  
2007 Jan 25 TBPR & BL Export 18/18
2007 Jan 10 TBPR & BL Export 101/101
2006 Sep 28 TBPR & BL Export 76/76
2006 Jul 13 TBPR & BL Export 100
2006 Apr 04 TBPR Export 45
2006 Apr 07 TB Program Update FF v2.0f  
2006 Feb 18 TBPR & BL Export 122/60
2006 Jan 30 TB Program Update IE v4.0.513.2984 Beta  
2006 Jan 4 Infra Update - BigDaddy  
2005 Dec 19 GDPR & BL Export 106
2005 Nov 04 Algo Update - Jagger 3  
2005 Oct 27 Algo Update - Jagger 2  
2005 Oct 19 TBPR & BL Export 97/45
2005 Oct 16 Algo Update - Jagger 1  
2005 Sep 04 GDPR & BL Export 85
2005 Jul 14 TBPR & BL Update 83/33
2005 Jun 11 GDPR Update 18
2005 Jun 08 BL Update  
2005 May 27 TBPR Goes Grey For 3 Days  
2005 May 24 GDPR & BL Update 32
2005 Apr 22 TBPR, GDPR & BL Update 111/50
2005 Mar 04 BL Update  
2005 Mar 03 GDPR Update 28
2005 Feb 23 TB Program Update IE  
2005 Feb 04 GDPR Update 24
2005 Feb 03 BL & Algo Update  
2005 Jan 10 GDPR Update 88
2005 Jan 1 TBPR & BL Update 87/16
2004 Dec 16 BL Update  
2004 Nov 25 BL Update  
2004 Oct 28 GDPR Update? ??
2004 Oct 28 BL Update  
2004 Oct 18 BL Update Rolled Back  
2004 Oct 17 GDPR Update 67
2004 Oct 16 BL Update  
2004 Oct 6 TBPR Update; No BL Update 106
2004 Sept 10 BL Update  
2004 Sept 8 TB Program Update  
2004 Aug 30 BL Update  
2004 Aug 10 GDPR Update 158?
2004 Aug 9 BL Update  
2004 Jul 16 BL Update  
2004 Jun 22 TBPR & BL Update 22
2004 May 31 TBPR & BL Update 38
2004 Apr 23 TBPR & BL Update 16
2004 Apr 7 TBPR & BL Update 22
2004 Mar 16 TBPR, GDPR & BL Update 50
2004 Feb 11 Brandy: Algo Update  
2004 Jan 26 TBPR & BL Update 15
2004 Jan 11 Austin: TBPR & BL Update 19
2003 Dec 23 TBPR & BL Update 17
2003 Dec 6 TBPR Update 20
2003 Nov 16 Florida: TBPR, BL & Algo Update 21
2003 Oct 26   35
2003 Oct 2 GDPR Update  
2003 Sept 21   23
2003 Aug 29   21
2003 Aug 8   54
2003 Jun 15   40
2003 May 6   25
2003 Apr 11   36
2003 Mar 6   41
2003 Jan 25   24
2003 Jan 1   35
2002 Nov 27   27
2002 Oct 31 TBPR & BL Update 35
2002 Sept 26 TBPR GDPR & BL Update 36
2002 Aug 21 TBPR GDPR & BL Update 27
2002 Jul 25 TBPR & BL Update 32
2002 Jun 23 TBPR & BL Update 30
2002 May 24   29
2002 Apr 25   19
2002 Apr 6   45
2002 Feb 20   26
2002 Jan 25   29
2001 Dec 27   32
2001 Nov 25   28
2001 Oct 28   42
2001 Sept 16   28
2001 Aug 19   31
2001 Jul 19   30
2001 Jun 22   32
2001 May 21   28
2001 Apr 23   28
2001 Mar 26   35
2001 Feb 19   29
2001 Jan 21   33
2000 Dec 19   31
2000 Nov 18   27
2000 Oct 22   54
2000 Aug 29   34
2000 Jul 26   Unknown


      TBPR Export: Toolbar PageRank Export - export of Real PR to the Toolbar PR 11 unit scale (no longer called a PR update as Real PR is updated continously and the Toolbar PR change is just an export of that updated value).
      Toolbar 工具PR輸出:Toolbar pagerank 輸出,按照11個PR更新等級實現(xiàn)在Toolbar工具欄的輸出更新。

      GDPR Export: Google Directory Export - export of Real PR to the Google Directory 8 unit scale (no longer called a PR update as Real PR is updated continously and the Google directory PR change is an export of that updated value).
      谷歌目錄輸出:谷歌目錄索引輸出,真正完成PR權(quán)重分配向Google 索引目錄的輸出工作,分8級重要性。

      BL Export: Backlink Export - export of a sample of the number of backlinks which is almost meaningless as it is only a sample number. This number can be seen with the link:www.domain.tld command (no longer called a BL update as backlinks are updated continously and the visible BL number change is an export of that updated value).

      Algo Update: Algorithm Update - a major update in the Ranking algorithm that causes a large SERP change.

      TB Program Version Change: Toolbar Program Version Change - a software version change to the Google toolbar that displays PR.
      ToolBar 軟件改進(jìn):Toolbar 工具軟件的改進(jìn)計劃,指Toolbar軟件發(fā)生升級改進(jìn)后,直接影響Google PR更新。


標(biāo)簽: Google  

※ 網(wǎng)站速度慢?試試網(wǎng)站自動優(yōu)化工具 ※

上一篇: 王通:做AdSense一個月1萬美元需要的是執(zhí)行力夠狠!
下一篇: 如何屏蔽煩人的電信彈窗廣告
  • 52.紅******
  • 我司藝術(shù)品定制官網(wǎng)也正在優(yōu)化中,希望跟你們多多學(xué)習(xí),謝謝。
  • 2014/3/14 21:15:36 回復(fù)該留言
  • 15.笑***
  • 你們的網(wǎng)站非常不錯,我經(jīng)常使用,性能很好,能升到PR4理所當(dāng)然的。
    我的網(wǎng)站www.oilpaintingcentre.com 也升到PR3了。一起再接再厲,加油:)
  • 2011/1/21 18:06:35 回復(fù)該留言
  • 7.1*******
  • 恭喜了,我的站也從0升到2了,我還以為能升到3呢,可惜了。
  • 2011/1/21 9:19:34 回復(fù)該留言



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